3-5 August 2023, Geno Hotel, Karlsruhe, Germany
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Prototype Integration - Integrate frontend prototypes directly in TYPO3

A lot of web agencies work with frontend prototypes. Small websites that demonstrate the frontend code in the browser without a full CMS integration. The frontend prototypes usually consist of templates (Twig, phug, handlebars, …) and sample data written in YAML or JSON.
The talk will show how the templates of the frontend prototype directly in TYPO3, without duplicating the code in Fluid templates. It builds on the flexibility of TYPO3 to swap the template engine for the frontend rendering.
This also allows to integrate frontend code that may be delivered by external frontend agencies or to serve the content as json objects on a content API.

04.08.2023 14:30 - 15:15 jweiland.net (Pavillon)
Talk Frontend

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