3-5 August 2023, Geno Hotel, Karlsruhe, Germany
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t3-build: Closing the gap between frontend developers and integrators

Integrating a design in TYPO3 normally means, deconstructing an HTML template and bring the pieces into fluid templates.

t3-build is a all all-in-one buildtool, written in javascript, let the frontend developer and the integrator work in the same structure. So they can seamless integrate an design from frontend to backend.

It is meant as replacement for gulp, grunt, webpack, etc.

It provides a js-bundler(esbuild), SASS, browsersync and a small template engine.

As a special feature you can write your SASS code directly in your HTML partials. In combination with <f:assets.css> we are able to deliver only the CSS we need.

03.08.2023 11:15 - 12:00 Z3
Talk Frontend

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